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IPAC Eastern Ontario

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IPAC EO Archives

IPAC Eastern Ontario (IPAC EO)


The IPAC Eastern Ontario archives are a collection of older library items, conference materials, photos, presentations prepared for 3M and CBIC awards and other memorabilia that document the growth and activities of the chapter.

In 2006, Carol Whyman was appointed as the first chapter archivist. Past archivist was Shirley McDonald. IPAC EO currently does not have an archivist.

A Short History of IPAC Eastern Ontario...

The IPAC Eastern Ontario Chapter was founded on November 22, 1984 as an infection control interest group, attended by eleven infection control practitioners from various facilities along the north-eastern shore of Lake Ontario. The original purpose of the group was to share experiences and expertise in infection control and to bring awareness that the individuals were not alone in this new field of health care.

In October, 1985 the group elected the first executive and had developed Terms of Reference. In June, 1986 official IPAC Canada Chapter status was granted to the Eastern Ontario Practitioners in Infection Control (EOPIC), which later changed to Eastern Ontario Professionals in Infection Control. The chapter revised its name in May 2005 to CHICA - Eastern Ontario, and again in January 2014 to IPAC Eastern Ontario to maintain consistency with new IPAC Canada branding recommendations. In 2006 the chapter celebrated its 20th Annivarsary as an IPAC Canada chapter.


Education Days

In addition to education provided for members at every Chapter meeting, the chapter has been organizing a biennial educational conference since 1990. We typically host 125-150 registrants from various health care settings, including acute care, long term/chronic care and home health. Industry representatives are invited to help sponsor the event by renting a table to exhibit their products for the information of attendees and/or fund some other aspect of the conference.

Archived Records